Church Projects Roadmap

A public listing of suggested projects and their status

  • Done
    Bluetooth receiver for sanctuary installed#9
    Project roadmap added to website#15
    Communications team expanded#19
    Air conditioning repaired#21
    Heritage communion table installed#22
    View More
  • Doing
    Accessibility ramp for sanctuary installed#4
    Full- or part-time piano player found#11
    Committees nominated#12
    Budget set and approved#13
    Officers elected#14
    View More
  • Pending
    Church event calendar available online#7 email system implemented#8
    Wireless microphones acquired#23
    Better newsletter email management app found#25
  • Suggested
    Sanctuary - Paneling painted white#5
    Sanctuary - Choir and altar area reconstructed#6
    Services broadcast on Facebook#10
    New a/v system installed in sanctuary#17
    Digital piano acquired#20
    View More
  • Sanctuary - Paneling painted white#5

  • Accessibility ramp for sanctuary installed#4

  • Sanctuary - Choir and altar area reconstructed#6

  • Church event calendar available online#7

  • email system implemented#8

  • Bluetooth receiver for sanctuary installed#9

  • Services broadcast on Facebook#10

  • Full- or part-time piano player found#11

  • Committees nominated#12

  • Budget set and approved#13

  • Officers elected#14

  • Project roadmap added to website#15

  • Duplexing laser printer installed at church#16

  • New a/v system installed in sanctuary#17

  • Sunday school time and setup optimized#18

  • Communications team expanded#19

  • Digital piano acquired#20

  • Air conditioning repaired#21

  • Heritage communion table installed#22

  • Wireless microphones acquired#23

  • Bulletin and newsletter editing system installed online#24

  • Better newsletter email management app found#25

  • Temporary signs printed#26

  • New signage installed#27

  • Initial landscaping improvements completed#28

  • Initial landscaping improvements completed#28

  • New signage installed#27

  • Temporary signs printed#26

  • Better newsletter email management app found#25

  • Bulletin and newsletter editing system installed online#24

  • Wireless microphones acquired#23

  • Heritage communion table installed#22

  • Air conditioning repaired#21

  • Digital piano acquired#20

  • Communications team expanded#19

  • Sunday school time and setup optimized#18

  • New a/v system installed in sanctuary#17

  • Duplexing laser printer installed at church#16

  • Project roadmap added to website#15

  • Officers elected#14

  • Budget set and approved#13

  • Committees nominated#12

  • Full- or part-time piano player found#11

  • Services broadcast on Facebook#10

  • Bluetooth receiver for sanctuary installed#9

  • email system implemented#8

  • Church event calendar available online#7

  • Sanctuary - Choir and altar area reconstructed#6

  • Sanctuary - Paneling painted white#5

  • Accessibility ramp for sanctuary installed#4
