Sunday School

Sunday School – 4/30/2023

This Sunday, Britt Smith brought a lesson from 1 Peter Chapter 1, verses 3 through 16 on “A Living Hope.” Our eighteen attendees had some lively discussion!

We talked about the meaning of being “born of the Spirit,” and how this phrase puzzled some in the first century who heard it.

We discussed the differences in laying up treasures on earth — where material goods can be lost or stolen — and laying up treasure in heaven through the works of the Spirit.

We acknowledged that, while we might face earthly trials, our souls are “guarded by God’s power.”

We talked about the difference in sin and evil — and noted the Biblical distinction in 1 John 3: that those who “practice righteousness are righteous” (but might, because we’re human, occasionally sin), while the person who “practices sin belongs to the devil.” We gotta be careful what we practice!

After the lesson, how wonderful it was to have a visit from Hudson and Susan Hickman’s daughter, Katie, her husband, and their adorable son, Jack!
